Pillows help us get a good night's sleep, providing our neck and head the support they need while we're lying down. Over time, these items go through wear and tear, some with apparent changes. The pillow you bought years ago might appear alright, but beneath the exterior, there are clear indications and telltale signs that it's about time to change it.

Do you have discomfort in your neck or spine?

If you notice that you always wake up with neck pain or discomfort in your spine, it means the quality of your pillow is no longer the same. As time passes, these items start to lose their original shape; they start to deform after years of holding the weight of your head—the stuffing of the pillow shifts, which sometimes cause lumps. 

Material resiliency and consistency are greatly affected. Consequently, these beddings cannot fully support your head or neck, leading to an uncomfortable feeling every time you wake up. To check the composition you can administer the "bend test." When you fold your pillow in half and let go, does it immediately snap back to its original shape? If not, then it means it's time for a change. 

Does the pillow look and smell fresh?

Another way to check if you need to change your beddings by using your senses. If you start to see that the item is discoloured or stained by dirt spots from sweat, saliva, and body secretions, it's time to get a new one. Choose a 100 percent organic cotton pillow; this is hypoallergenic, anti-bacterial, and protects you from dust mites and bed bugs.

Another sign is if the pillow is exuding a pungent or strikingly different scent. Inevitably, any type of bedding that people use for a long time accumulates a collection of germs, which causes such unpleasant odours. 

Additionally, if you notice that you have been sneezing or your skin breaks out with acne every time you use your pillow, it's most likely because of the build-up of dust and filth on your pillow. Allergic reactions are symptoms of a dirty pillow, and the thought of pressing your face onto a bacteria-infested pillow is downright disgusting.

Have your sleeping patterns or positions changed?

Lastly, if you notice that your sleeping patterns and positions have changed, it most likely means it is no longer providing comfort. Some positions work best in certain situations. Thick and firm pillows are best with side-sleepers while thinner and softer ones work best for those who sleep on their backs. It's possible that your restless nights are caused by your bedding, meaning it is time to get a new one.  


Sleeping never feels complete without a comfy pillow to rest your head on or hug close to your body, and pillows are valuable for relaxation. Much like bedsheets and covers, it's essential to monitor and look after your pillows' quality, changing these every one to two years.

If you feel like it's time to make that change, you don't have to look any further for the best-quality pillows. We have a wide range of pillows to select from. Get in touch with us today to see how we can help or get shopping!
January 14, 2022 — Paul Masterson